ARBN 679434649

Marja Koskela

Marja Koskela – Bio


Marja was born and grew up in Finland. Before moving to Australia in 1986, she lived for 10 years in Sweden, working at hospitals while studying healthcare and disability work. In Australia, she completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Studies at La Trobe University, Melbourne, and then worked as an Employment Counsellor in supported employment settings for 16 years. Marja has been studying the Rosen Method since 2001 in Scandinavia and in Australia, and is now also a qualified massage therapist. She lives and works in Healesville and is also giving sessions in Camberwell.

The Body Remembers: My Rosen Journey

Edition: 2009 Vol. 8 Nos. 1-2

Rosen Method Bodywork, transformation, unconscious, healing, embodied memories

Marja gives a brief overview of her transforming and healing journey receiving Rosen and becoming a Rosen Method Practitioner. The method is described, including it’s origins and global influences. Marja shares a personal family story of grief and suffering and how Rosen supported her and her family to ‘undo the knots’ from this tragedy. (pp 42-44)

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