Seduced by the blossoms in a Dance Therapist’s garden
Author/s: Liz Pallikaris
Edition: 2012 Vol. 10 Nos. 3-4
Penny Best, professional development, therapeutic relationship, trauma, PTSD, wellbeing
Transpersonal Art Therapist Liz, attended Penny Best‟s workshop titled, “Balancing differentiation and linkage: a wellbeing frame for clients and therapists” to explore dance movement further. The three day workshop included content to increase awareness of the skin, its intelligence and the sensations evoked as skin touches the air, the fabric of being human, being in relationship, in relational spaces alongside others and being in therapeutic and supervisory spaces. Experiential self-exploration, and in dyads, triads and the group dynamic are expanded upon and conceptualised through embodied practices, with reference to client issues as trauma. (pp 60-62)