ARBN 679434649

Linda Pilus

Linda Pilus – Bio


Linda Pilus, ADTR received her Master’s degree from Lesley College’s Expressive Therapy Program in Cambridge Massachusetts in 1979. In addition to her pioneering work in rehabilitation medicine, she has also helped establish dance therapy as part of treatment programs in geriatrics and with dually-diagnosed adults within the New York State Offices of Mental Health, Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities.

Dance/ Movement Therapy in Rehabilitation Medicine

Edition: 2003 Vol. 2 No. 1

Dance therapy rehabilitation, hospital care, paraplegia, physical trauma, dance therapy treatment, patient evaluation

Chances of surviving an illness or accident have improved greatly, encouraging physicians and health professionals to re-assess quality of life post-incident. This article examined recovery from the psychophysical effects of physical trauma in an individual study on dance therapy treatment. Symptoms assessed by a detailed patient evaluation were deteriorating health and morbidity. The subsequent case study of a patient in hospital care illustrated the dance therapy methods for paraplegia. The methods were grounded in theory, specifically grief and attachment theories. The article concludes by outlining the role a dance therapist plays in a rehabilitation team on the ward and a postscript was written by one of the author’s interns. (pp 9-16)

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