ARBN 679434649

Lenore Hervey

Lenore Harvey – Bio


Lenore Wadsworth Hervey, Ph.D, ADTR, NCC, REAT. Faculty at Columbia College Chicago. Previously faculty at Antioch Nev, England Graduate School. Authon Artistic Inquiry in Dance/Movement Therapy and “The ADTA Research Survey.” Chair of the Research Subcommittee of the American Dance Therapy Association. Aside from her ongoing mission of championing artistic methods of research in DMT, Lenore is also currently interested in ethics in DMT the multi-cultural application of DMT and an integral vision of the practice of DMT inspired by the work of Ken Wilber.

Relational and Non-relational Moments in Nursing Home Life

Edition: 2002 Vol. 1 No. 4

Relational psychoanalysis, interaction, relationships, nursing home

Descriptive vignettes from a nursing home describe an approach to dance movement therapy using The Relational Model, emphasising the role of embodied interaction and emotional connection even in the absence of memory. (pp 15-16)

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