ARBN 679434649

Judith Mendelsohn

Judith Mendelsohn – Bio


Judith worked as a dance therapist in psychiatric and special education institutions in Israel for thirty years. During the last twelve years of her career she worked with medically ill children at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. In 2002 she retired as a government paid dance therapist and continues to lead workshops. Judith has been a member of the Israeli Association of Creative and Expressive Therapies since 1971 and of the American Dance Therapy Association since 1972. Her article describing her work with medically ill patients in Israel was published in 1999 in the American Journal of Dance Therapy.

The Israeli Association of Creative and Expressive Therapies: Dance/movement Therapy

Edition: 2006 Vol. 5 No. 1

historical development, professional growth, training programs, drama therapy, psychodrama, bibliotherapy

DMT Judith gives a brief overview of the founding and development of the professional association YAHAT or I.C.E.T. – The Israeli Association of Creative and Expressive Therapists (YAHAT signifies ICET in Hebrew). The formation and growth of the profession is described through reference to the various training centres, recognised credentials, ethical codes of practice and professional areas of practice for creative and expressive therapists. The ethnic and cultural diversity within this group of therapists are described as being innovative, collaborative, holding high professional standards, within an inclusive and progressive profession. (pp 13-14)

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