ARBN 679434649

Jenny Scott

Jenny Scott – Bio


BA GradDip (Movement and Dance) is a dance teacher and therapist who leads dance groups for people with disabilities in day training centres, community centres and hospitals in Melbourne. She is the director of BreakOut Dance Group. Jenny has run many training programs and professional development activities for disability and education staff throughout Australia. She also performs as part of the integrated movement theatre group Weave.

Movement and Dance for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Is it Therapy, is it Art?

Edition: 2003 Vol. 2 No. 1

Intellectual disabilities, dance therapy programs, disability performance, community performance arts

This is an excerpt from the content:

This article “…addresses the oft-mooted distinction between dance therapy and other dance modalities and the appropriateness of these for people with intellectual disabilities. The article begins with a review of literature about dance programs for people with intellectual disabilities, especially writings that address this distinction. The authors then outline the complementary relationship they recognise between dance therapy, creative dance (recreational and educational), community dance and disability performance arts, based on their experience in these fields. The article finishes with a description of the factors the authors believe determine the appropriate choice of dance modality for any particular client or group of people with intellectual disabilities.”
(pp 2-8)

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