ARBN 679434649

Jeff Withers

Jeff Withers – Bio


Jeff is a member of the Queensland College of Teachers, International Institute for Complementary Therapists, International Association of Professional Life Coaches, and Motivational Speakers Australia.

Jeff has an extensive background in training and coaching teams within the corporate and small business environments. More recently his focus has expanded to address personal relationships. He now devotes a great deal of his time and energy towards working with individuals, couples, families and teams seeking to enhance and grow their relationships towards identified outcomes. In doing so, he draws upon a unique personal and professional development platform, Talent Dynamics, as well as ballroom dancing to create difference for those he engages with.

My Personal Journey to Dancing and Beyond

Edition: 2015 Vol. 12 Nos. 3-4

passion, purpose, i-Ching, ballroom dancing, personal performance, coaching

In this personal reflection Withers shares how he has come to value dance as an important aspect of both his professional and personal life journey. Withers draws on his early days as a professional musician and weaves this deep appreciation of art into his his more current other areas of interest, including psychology, i-Ching, and more recently, Dance-Movement Therapy. As a coach within the small business and corporate world Withers highlights how dance has become a part of his mentoring skill set, and he links dance to key elements of performance and business coaching. Withers also reflects on his personal involvement with Ballroom Dancing and speaks of the mental and emotional aspects relevant to this practice. (pp. 24-27)

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