ARBN 679434649

Dita Federman

Dita Federman – Bio


Dita Judith Federman, PhD is an accredited Dance Movement Therapist (DMT), psychotherapist, senior researcher, lecturer and supervisor. She has years of experience working within psychiatric settings as well as with children, adults and geriatric populations. Dr. Federman completed her undergraduate studies in Psychology at University of Haifa, and she received her MA in Expressive Arts Therapies from the University of Lesley in Boston, MA, USA. She received her PhD in Human and Life Sciences from the University of Surrey, UK.  Dr. Federman established DMT at the Psychiatric unit at Rambam Medical Center, and she was head of a DMT diploma training for 16 years.  Since 2008, Dr. Federman has been head of the DMT modality at the Graduate School of Creative Art Therapies, University of Haifa, Israel.

The Triangle; ‘Mindfulness’, DMT and Neuroscience – a theoretical approach

Edition: 2015 Vol. 12 Nos. 3-4

mindfulness, artistic-kinesthetic action, body activities, symbolism, group rhythm, therapeutic movement

This is an excerpt from the content:

In this article, I will explain the development of dance movement therapy (DMT) and the theoretical approaches that have influenced that development, present the basic principles of two main approaches, and highlight the connection between DMT to research of the brain and the concept of Mindfulness. Throughout, I will mention the different branches that came and integrated with the traditional therapeutic approach and became an integral part of the overall therapeutic approach that uses dance as a medium for therapy and diagnostics. (pp 7-14)

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