Dancing for Peace in Angola, Africa: Using Movement-Based Expressive Arts Therapy as a Tool for Social Action
Author/s: Dana Swain
Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 3
Dance for Peace, expressive arts, peace, Angola, Tamalpa Institute, Youth Ambassadors
Page #: 165
This article describes ‘Dance for Peace’, a five-day workshop and performance in Luanda, Angola, facilitated by the author and a colleague, working with Canadian-based non-government organization Development Workshop. Fifty young people who had an association with Youth Ambassadors for Peace, an organization formed by Development Workshop, participated in the project. ‘Dance for Peace’ was designed to improve participants’ psycho-social well- being and to provide opportunities for exploring issues of peace, and creative tools to manage their differences. This article will describe how the dance and expressive arts were used successfully in this cross-cultural context to promote social awareness and community bonding on a group and individual level.