Brigitte Zueger – Bio
Author/s: Brigitte Zueger
Brigitte is a DMT, FPI Basel/Rheinfelden (Switzerland). She was born in Basel, Switzerland in 1960. She studied movement education and special education during 1979 to 1986, trained as a dancer with Alvin Nikolais in New York in 1982/83 and became a Dance Movement Therapist during the years 1989 to 1994 at the Fritz Perls Institute (FPI), in Germany. The method she learnt there is Integrative Therapy, which is a further development of Gestalt Therapy, as developed by Fritz Perls. Since 1994 she has worked part-time in neurological rehabilitation at Rehaklinik, Rheinfelden building a dance therapy department. She has been the head of creative art therapies (music and dance) since 2001. Here they treat a variety of patients with different diagnoses such as Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, to name a few, and especially whiplash-injured patients.
In addition to her clinical activity, Brigitte works in Basel as a private practitioner; involved in long- term dance therapy, and offering groups mainly creative dance and work in movement consciousness (micromovement), which is a form of Refined Body Image (RBI). Since 1994, she has been involved in energy work, and from 2000, teaching the Light Body Process method as developed by Sanaya Roman and Duana Paker.