ARBN 679434649

Bella Grossberg

Bella Grossberg – Bio


Bella Grossberg Grad.Dip. Movement and Dance, Dip. Dance-Movement Therapy (IDTIA) and a professional member of the DTAA, has counselling skills and is a Feldenkrais practitioner. She has worked with a variety of populations including autistic children and psychiatric clients. She conducts workshops for sexually abused women and the general public using the focus of the inner child. Currently she is running public workshops, entitled ‘Dance your inner journey’ as well as individual sessions.

Let your inner child dance

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 2

Keywords: Dance Movement Therapy, inner child, transformation, true self, soul self, habitual patterns, maladaptive patterns, integration

Page #: 50

Assuming that the essence of the child shares a great deal in common with the essence of the adult ‘real self’, Dance Movement Therapy is an appropriate and powerful tool to address old childhood issues, beliefs and patterns to manifest change in one’s present behaviours and outlooks.

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Dance Movement Therapy for the Autistic Child

Edition: Dance Therapy Collections 1

Keywords: Dance/movement therapy, autistic children, kinaesthetic, proprioceptive activity, mirroring, rhythmic interaction, object relations

Page #: 12

This article offers a description of a therapeutic program for children with autism offered within the special school setting. Dance movement therapy was found to be an effective tool for engaging with these children’s otherwise ‘closed-off and confused’ worlds. A brief introduction to the features of autism is followed by a discussion of the program and therapeutic interventions offered. These include tactile activities to assist development of body image, mirroring as a means of engaging non-verbally as assisting development of movement patterning and behaviours. Rhythmic interaction is also discussed as a tool that assists in building object relations.

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Dancing with the Candelabra

Edition: 2012 Vol. 10 Nos. 3-4

Feldenkrais, trauma, sexual abuse, healing, spirituality, private practice

This paper describes long-term dance therapy with a client with a history of trauma. The description is taken from two perspectives. That is, My Story – which is the perspective of the therapist and Her Story which is the perspective of the client. Through the two papers the dance therapist describes her experience of working for approximately 7 years with a woman who has a history of childhood and adult trauma. The client, a psychiatrist, in her paper, writes of the integration of mind, body and spiritual experience through dance therapy and how it enriched her life, work, teaching and spiritual journey. (pp 9-13)

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The Dance that connects Feldenkrais with Dance Therapy

Edition: 2004 Vol. 3 No. 2

Feldenkrais method, Awareness Through Movement, Functional Integration, professional development

The purpose of this article of personal discovery through learning the Feldenkrais method is to introduce Awareness Through Movement (ATM) and Functional Integration (FI) to those unfamiliar with the techniques. Guided by the author’s integration with ATM and FI, the experience of reading the dance practitioner’s active reflection moves beyond an evaluation of the practice to an informative journey that conversationally explains Feldenkrais within the joy of discovery and learning. (pp 14-16)

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