ARBN 633105736

Christine Hopkins

Christine Hopkins – Bio


Christine, MA, ADTR, NCC is a dance movement therapist and psychotherapist in private practice in Seattle, Washington. Christine specialises in DMT with Dementia and the elderly.

Listserve Dialogue – Dementia: Walking Not Wandering

Edition: 2006 Vol. 5 Nos. 3-4

residential care, Alzheimers Disease, Geropsychiatric Unit, personality, group therapy, presence, listening

The announcement to the ADTA listserve on the publication of this book (reviewed p.27-28), in which there is a chapter by Dr Heather Hill, promoted some dialogue between herself and Christine Hopkins. It is of interest to read, particularly for those involved in working with this population.

The Chapter: “The who, how and why of walking/wandering – a dance therapy perspective” , is summarised by Heather:  “Essentially my chapter rejects a simplistic account of ‘wandering’ as a symptom of dementia, and enlarges the perspective of walking/wandering in the context of dementia, to take in the person and the person in relation to his/her internal or external environment”. Further therapeutic re-framing of walking behaviour are offered by Heather and responded to by Christine with a moment she shared in relationship with a woman who was wandering. This moment expanded into a question for how to integrate wandering walkers into DMT groups. (p.29)

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