ARBN 679434649

In this volume

2010 Vol. 9 Nos. 1-2

A focus on Jenny Czulak Riley: An Australian Pioneer – dancing on ……….!

Australian Association of Dance Education, Ausdance, Hanny Exiner, Moving On Journal, Peter Slade, Denis Kelynack

An commemorative piece on Jenny Czulak Riley’s long standing commitment to the DTAA since it’s inception. Her extensive achievements are over viewed, along with her various publications, activism and support of the DTAA as well as her professional and personal commitments to dance movement therapy. Jenny is an honorary member of the DTAA. The following articles in this edition, give more depth to her rich contributions to the field. (pp 2-3)

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A Conversation With Jenny Czulak Riley

Ballet, performance, theatre, Children’s radio, DMT philosophy, embodiment, professional development

Naomi Atchinson interviewed Jenny, covering a wide spectrum of topics including Jenny’s early work developing ABC radio material for children’s expressive dance to her later work and publication Growing Older Dancing On. Her wide influence and active support of the development of the DTAA, including the philosophical challenges to define and describe dmt, are also discussed in relation to another of Jennn’y publications Dance Therapy Redefined. Jenny’s passion, fortitude and vision for the profession shine’s throughout this article. (pp 4-9)

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Reminiscences of early days of television at the ABC

ABC educational radio, Hanny Exiner, children, expressive dance, body-mind, Ausdance

Jenny reflects and shares humorous anecdotes from her pioneering work in educational TV programmes for children. Her collaborative work with Hanny Exiner in this setting became the creative catalyst for her shift into dance movement therapy. (p.10)

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Shimmering from within: The transformative experience of creative dance at Mangala: A Conversation with Jenny Czulak Riley and Peter Hockey

creative dance, yogic viewpoint, mother-child relationship, music, spirit, transformation, healing

Elizabeth shares a discussion with both Jenny who dances at Mangala and with teacher Peter Hockey. Jenny reflects on her teaching of a creative dance class at Mangala, whilst Peter reflects on 30 years experience teaching yoga and adult and child creative dance. Theoretical perspectives and philosophical influences on dance, therapy, consciousness and yoga are interwoven with the lived experiences of Jenny and Peter from their training, teaching and immersion in the dance. (pp 11-17)

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When there is more than one: some considerations for managing group dance therapy

Special needs, Existential phenomenology, bracketing, description, equal valuing, authenticity, individuation

This article describes some of the theoretical as well as practical considerations around which a group-based dance therapy program has been developed within a large special developmental school (SDS) in Victoria, Australia.  Central to the discussion is the author’s belief that it is via opportunities for committed, creative exploration of ‘I-self’ that ‘we-other’ has the potential to take on most meaning. Elaboration on workshop notes are also given, as presented at the Dance Therapy Association of Australia’s (DTAA) AGM events in November 2009, Melbourne. (pp 18-21)

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Thinking Creatively About Working With Couples

John Gottman, non-verbal, experiential, somatic countertransference, active imagination, group work

This article is both a reflective piece on aspects Linda’s life journey and influences on her counselling, creative arts therapy and dance movement therapy work with couples. Descriptions from both group and private practice contexts are interwoven with various fields including anthropology, psychology and in particular the work of John Gottman’s educational program “Good connecting” for couples. There is a focus on the non-verbal realm in relationships, with vignettes from Linda’s practice exemplifying her approach. (pp 22-26)

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Dance Therapy in Dementia

person-centred, engagement, connection, aesthetics, quality of life, transformation

This article was made available to the DTAA by kind permission of Stirling. It was first published in Dementia Now, Vol. 7, no. 6, Dementia Services Development Centre, University of Stirling. web:

Heather’s article gives a succinct and clear description of dance therapy and its particular contribution in the context of dementia care. Within a group dmt context the relational values of person-centred connection, embodied communication and conversation inform the work, giving way for individuals to be themselves. The “magic” of transformation is one of a myriad of whole person benefits over-viewed, as well as the positive contributions dmt can offer to attending staff and family. (pp 27-31)

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Impressions: The 45th ADTA Conference in Brooklyn, New York City

mirror neurons, Labananalysis, limbic system, brain lateralisation, multimodal, trauma

The 45th ADTA Conference “Creating the Mind-Body Mosaic: Theory, Research, and Practice in Dance/Movement Therapy”, 2010 is described by Jane, covering the keynote address and international panel, the conference highlights and special events – with a more in-depth discussion of her attendance at the following workshops: ‘Embodied Neurobiology with Kalila’ presented by B. Homann, ‘Dance/Movement/Word Therapy: Dance Activism for Human Rights and Social Change’ presented by Bonnie Bernstein and ‘Gene Expression and Neuroplasticity: Implications for Dance/Movement Therapy and Alzheimer’s Disease, presented by Lora Wilson Mau. (pp 55-59)


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Book Review: Creating connections between nursing care and the creative arts therapies: Expanding the concept of holistic care

Carole-Lynne Le Navenek & Laurel Bridges

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